
State Wide Installations

Eurovac Detail Systems

Eurovac manufactures superior products designed to withstand even the most rigorous vehicle interior cleaning and detailing operations – day in, day out! And our experienced staff ensure that your layout is properly engineered for maximum efficiency.

Increase productivity and efficiency. Place vacuum drops exactly where you need them and eliminate the use of portables … which can often hinder production.

Virtually eliminate breakdowns. High efficiency industrial-grade motors and superior filtration systems (built-in primary cyclonic preseparation located ahead of the final bag or cartridge filters) keep your Eurovac equipment up and running, and always ready for use.

Eliminate unsafe cords on the floor of your work areas. There are no cords to trip on, or to create potentially dangerous situations if there is water on the floor.

State-of-the-art portable and Central Chemical and Hot Rug Shampoo Dispensing Systems are optionally available.

A complete line of quality, industrial-strength cleaning accessories is also available

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