
State Wide Installations

Containment Solutions’ Kombotank™ System

Statewide over the last 40 years has created lasting relationships with some of the best in the industry. Our #1 choice for our clients is Graco fluid handling/delivery products.

Reliable and cost-effective lubrication equipment is what put Graco on the map! Our packaged solutions deliver the highest quality results in automotive assembly, marine, truck, construction, mining and machine tool markets.

 Air-Operated Piston Pumps and PackagesAir-Operated Piston Pumps and Packages
Grease and oil pumps
 Automatic Lubrication EquipmentAutomatic Lubrication Equipment
Delivering small amounts of lubricant in the right place at the right time
 Electric Fuel & Oil Transfer PumpsElectric Fuel & Oil Transfer Pumps
Dispensing pumps for fuel, kerosene, oil, hydraulic fluids, and antifreeze
 Fluid Meters and ValvesFluid Meters and Valves
Manual, battery-operated and electronic
 Hose ReelsHose Reels
Low to high pressure for air, water, oil or grease
 Inventory ManagementInventory Management
Advanced fluid tracking for auto and truck service centers
 Used Fluid Handling PackagesUsed Fluid Handling Packages
Drain, evacuate and transfer used fluid
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.