Oct 192010

Statewide Installations and Visionaire Lighting have been doing business together for years, why you ask? Visionaire is a leading manufacturer of high performance, specification grade outdoor lighting with a wide variety of quality, architecturally designed fixtures and poles at competitive rates. Visionaire’s patented reflector systems utilize exclusive innovations in reflector technology for significant photometric advantage and cost savings. The widest selection of Dark Sky approved fixtures ensures viable environmental consciousness and energy conservation for any project. Visionaire is the ideal solution for many applications including shopping centers, auto dealerships, street lighting, and tennis courts.

Visionaire has many styles of fixtures available for all aspects of outdoor lighting. The top 2 used by BOSS Clients are the Polera LX and the tried and true American. Both products offer astounding capabilities for directed light as well as offering you the client savings in both power usage and the number of poles/fixtures required to make your lot a 24 hours sales tool.

A wide selection of light sources from 100 through 1000 watts are offered, including Pulse Start lamps for excellent efficiency, lumen maintenance and color. Convex lens is available where light trespass restrictions do not apply.

Contact Statewide Installations for more information or check the Visionaire website for more options.

Visionscapes from Visionaire and BOSSVisionaire American Light Fixture Popular Lighting Solutions for the Automotive Industry…

Polera is an exceptional choice for auto dealerships, shopping centers, parking lots, street lighting and general area lighting

American is a proven performer for auto dealerships, shopping centers, parking lots and general area lighting.